The time that my elder sister sees an image in the earth plainly is long.
It doesn't like for, me to see an image in the earth.
Because because, are very like violence
It is fearful of becoming a violent thing.
The secret, it isn't possible to say to the, elder sister.
Because, the elder sister is because it is attending an image in the earth to be regarding a dream as being that it seems that it is fancied an image in the earth by seeing it seriously and then expectations.
At the time except it, it is because the darkly brooding time is long.
Such a elder sister has another pleasure.
To hear the earth from the aunt of the well-informed person is pleasant.
It becomes me and it hears the story of the aunt because it is.
It is because it wants to see the face of the elder sister which seems delightful.
ぼくのルルお姉ちゃんとても地球の映像を見る時間が長いの、 ぼくは地球の映像はあまり見ないの、なぜかって、それはね、 とても戦争とか暴力とかとても醜く見えるの、でもね、お姉ちゃんは よく見ているの。あんなに乱暴な映像ばかり見ていると乱暴な気持ちに マヒして、乱暴が乱暴に感じることが知らない間になったら大変と ぼくはこわいの、でもね、お姉ちゃんにはいえないの、それはね、 お姉ちゃんの3っのパターン!その一、地球の映像を見ている時の お姉ちゃんは真剣そのものでとてもこえかけられないの、 パターンその二、おばさんから地球とのお話を聞いているときお姉ちゃんは とても夢みているみたいに真剣で幸せそうに見えるの、だからそういう時は ぼくも興味がなくてもあるふりして一生懸命きいてるの、 パターンその三、そのどちらでもないとき、お姉ちゃんは暗く思い込んだ ようになるの、それが可愛そうでとてもつらいの。 |
ああ、そういってる間にお姉ちゃんたら、おばさんにまた、地球とのお話を 聞きはじめた。しかたないからさっきいったように、僕もいっしょにお話を 聞いてあげるの、(やさしい弟、なーちゃってえへへ) |
第2話 地球との接点 |
これからは、ぼくピピが説明しまーす。火星ではご飯はこのカタカタ君で 作ってもらいまーす。なんでカタカタ君なのか?それは食事が出てくる 時にカタカタとするのでカタカタ君でーす。それはぼくが名づけました。 本当の名前は、えーと、わかりません。エへへ。ちなみにこのカタカタ君は すぐれもので地下水と地下のパイプから送られてくる鉱物元素、などから 太陽の光を取り入れたりでえーと、食べ物に代えてしまうのだそうです。 |
Now, ピピ describes.
It makes a meal with Mars when the machine which is called mosquito Takata is automatic and the time comes.
Immediately, the aunt are I, the elder sister and in the house.
The elder sister, it is still seeing an image in the earth.
We assume appearing appearing mosquito Takata,! and following
It spoiled.
There was a person who calls it Lorain when there still are Midori and a sea like the earth in Mars before becoming Mars like now.
It appealed to make a big ship, assuming that the tidal bore came finally, feeling that the huge eruption caused the something unusual which changes the crust in Mars but no one believed Lorain who, too, was an excellent esper.
However, Lorain made the ark which carries an animal with the family and prepared for the tidal bore.
Mars about which the gravitation is weak didn't originally have the power which can stop a great deal of movements of seawater only above the imagination in the, something unusual.
Then, at last, much of seawater rushed out of Mars.
Then, Mars became the planet which doesn't have the sea.
Then, Lorain's ark rushed to the outside in Mars with seawater.
To be accidental, too, was finally pulled to the gravitation in the earth, seawater and Lorain's ark flowed into the earth and a many planet and becoming Lorain there are many seas where, too, were rescued when seeing the earth from the other planet.
However, as for the dreadfulness of the impact, the creature in a lot of earth seems to have become extinct.
ピピ, it is stunning,!
There is not a father mother in the house.
It went out by the work which defends a Martian city when I am small and forgot a face, too.
Because the house of, everybody's, too, is so, instead, there is always one adult in the house.
The relief!
ピピの解説、今見ているのはテレパシー送受信機だよ。地球人はテレパシーは 退化したらしいけど火星人は使えます。でも感情が落ち着いているときはいいけど あせっているとき、急いでいるときはうまくいかないの。だから会話もします。 そうそう、地球の映像を見ているとテレパシー装置と違うそうだけどもこのテレパシー 装置は離れた人とか、大勢の人にテレパシーで意思を送る装置なの。この機械を 使わないとあまり遠くにテレパシーはとどかないの。でもねこの装置、不思議なことに 地球の電波をひろうのです。なぜかって?不思議ー、それもね家だけなの、 よその子の家のこのテレパシー装置はこんなことないの、うーん、不思議。 |
The explanation of ピピ
It is telepathy equipment that, now, the elder sister is seeing.
The image, too, seems.
In other words, the Martian can contact, being telepathy, receive partner sight and do because the telepathy isn't degenerating but sometimes which contacts a partner of a lot of contacts, he uses this equipment.
This equipment of the, home selects an image in the earth to the mysterious thing.
The equipment at the other house is mysterious though there is not this!
The meal at the elder sister, in the earth is great and has a kind.
It has been surprised.
Lulu, meeting and of the? aunt why it is different from Mars so much why?
The body with aunt, its feather, the civilization of the earth which isn't improving yet as much as Mars
In the earth, it isn't improving yet from the step to take in a food directly from the plant, the animal and so on.
Need that it becomes possible to make a food with element by synthesizing like Mars appears about when and whether or not it is in.
Because it destroys a natural environment just as it is in case of meeting and not being
ピピ, it is terrible.
The animal which the thing, the human being for which the such thing is difficult change a way of thinking to by the environment by needing the environment to live
Therefore, it is not a simple thing.
It is impossible if having good sence each other in, respecting each other and there are not feelings which aim at the quiet coexistence.
Because it was necessary so, the earth is a developing planet and does.
In the volcano which was being eruptive regularly from the ancient times in the time when the person who is called the Lorain lived in, the total activity stopped behind the back of the large-scale eruption and the quiet date continued for many year.
To that, Lorain noticed something unusual on the crust.
Because it was so, in Mars, the opinion, the posterity of the Martian, too, met a terrestrial.
As for being Lulu, for the Martian to dislike conflict, the terrestrial is not to resign from the conflict why?
そうそう、家にはお父さん、お母さんはお仕事でぼくが小さいころに出かけて いませんが、姉ちゃんの他におばさんがいます。友達の家もどこもそうだけど 子供だけの家には年の多い大人が必ず居てくれてます。安心 |